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In pediatric hematology/oncology, a positive attitude is important. Children often have a more difficult time dealing with chronic illnesses than adults because they do not always fully understand what's happening to them and cannot properly express their needs. The East Tennessee Children's Hospital oncologists and hematologists are not only skilled in treating diseases, they also know how to interact with children and teenagers to help them through this experience. Treating the condition is important, but supporting the patient and their family is just as much of a priority for our team.

Office Locations

Hematology/Oncology Clinic

Some patients' needs involve making a diagnosis and providing education, while others require significant care. Maintaining continuity in your child’s care is important. By working with the same select few staff members, patients begin to develop a trust with their medical provider. Our team becomes an ally to you and your family, offering whatever treatment and advice we can to help you stay healthy in mind and body.

Where to Find Us

The East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic is located at 2018 Clinch Avenue in the South Tower on the second floor in Knoxville. This facility is staffed with our oncology/hematology experts and a full-time child life specialist who assists children in understanding and coping with their diagnosis. We also host cancer support groups for patients and family members where people with similar experiences can meet and exchange information.

The Hematology/Oncology Clinic is open from 8:00 am to 4:30 Mondays through Fridays.

Call us at (865) 541-8519 with any questions.

Looking Out for Long-Term Needs

Some patients' needs involve making a diagnosis and providing education, while others require significant care. Children with sickle cell disease, for example, require ongoing health maintenance to prevent such serious complications as infections and strokes. Most cancer patients require treatment and long-term follow-up evaluations.

Maintaining continuity in your child’s care is important. By working with the same select few staff members, patients begin to develop a trust with their medical provider. This allows for the patient to feel more comfortable speaking up about what may be bothering them and for their physician to learn more about their body language/personality so that they can better identify how the child is mentally coping with their condition. Our team becomes an ally to you and your family, offering whatever treatment and advice we can to help you stay healthy in mind and body.

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